So you're a writer who wants feedback but can't afford to see a script consultant. I get it! When the pandemic started, everyone was being cautious with how much to spend! But did you know I do things for free?
"FREE?" you ask. Yes. Free! Below I've compiled 3 things I do for free!!
Monthly Screenwriting Q&As
Each month, a panel and I come together to answer burning screenwriting questions you might have about your current project, or any general screenwriting questions! Personally, I enjoy sharing some of my screenwriting knowledge with others and it's nice to see different perspectives on the screenwriting craft.
Feedback on logline or beat sheet
Let's pretend for a moment you have a logline or beat sheet and want some feedback before you start writing. Great! I can take a look at what you have so far and provide a paragraphs worth of feedback that will help guide you in the right direction before you start your first draft. However, if you do need help with your first draft and need guidance, I do offer a mentorship service that lasts 8 weeks, but it's up to you if you want to purchase that service.
Feedback on the first 5 pages
I get it, the first few pages can be tough for anyone, but allow me to take a look at the first 5 pages for free! With this free service, I will provide first impression thoughts. However, if you want me to look at the first 10 pages, I can do that, but it does cost money, and it's affordable! In fact, it's pretty cheap! If you're unable to afford it, my pricing is flexable and we can talk about it if needed.
Hopefully these free services will be valuable to you in the future. If there's anything I can do to support you, please don't hesitate to reach out to me! I'd be happy to help you out!! Any questions? Feel free to ask.