Shut up and buy my script!!
Let's say you've been endlessly working on your script, writing various drafts, and now you firmly believe it's perfectly polished! Now what? It's time to get yourself out there! When it comes to selling a script, it won't be an easy task, mainly because of how competitive the industry is. Believe it or not, even if you do get a chance of pitching a script, the chances are slim. Never fear though, because everyone goes through it, including me!
Network, Network, Network
Think about this like a job interview. When you apply to a position and are lucky enough to score an interview for a company, you have to make sure you're in the right place at the right time. Same goes for selling a script. There's a bunch of production companies that are looking for a specific type of script or genre, so to increase your chances, you have to choose wisely who to pitch your script to.
Attend a few writing events and connect with your fellow writers. Don't go into the situation, pitching your film to their face, and instead, learn about what projects they're working on, and in return, you can share some of your projects. You'll never know if someone knows someone who would be happy to bring your project to life.
Submit to screenwriting contests
If you have some money to spend, it never hurts to submit your script to a few screenwriting contests, but once again, be careful where you send it. Before even considering entering a contest, take a look at the prizes and see what you're risking if you win. Some competitions only have a cash prize, others offer to pitch your script for you, and others will require you to pitch your script to a producer, if you're lucky that is.
The best part about submitting a script to a contest is sometimes for an additional fee, you'll get feedback on your script, so just in case you don't make it, you'll have some additional notes for the next draft.
Get management representation
Okay, so maybe pitching your scripts on your own sounds challenging enough. I get it. Perhaps if you had someone to represent you in the industry, things might be easier for you, but again, be careful who you reach out to. Even before reaching out to someone, make sure you do your research. IMDB Pro could be a good resource to find managers, but there's a few other sites, such as Virtual Pitch Fest that has a list of managers and production companies.
Attend film festivals
It's possible that you'll run into some producers at film festivals. Remember, if you encounter a producer, act professional and leave your ego at the door. Learn about who they are and what type of scripts they're looking for and if they're interested, they'll let you know.
In the end, no matter what you decide to do, just know that selling your script isn't simple as you think it is. If you want to make it big, patience is going to be extremely important. Allow yourself to appreciate the process and don't be hard on yourself if your script gets a pass. Just know writing is a journey and there aren't any shortcuts to getting into the industry. As long as you keep your head up and keep writing, your hard work will pay off in the end!