
  • Updates on services

    it's been a while since my latest blog, but I've been making some huge changes to my services. In the past, I've noticed that clients have been wan...
  • How to write a script in one month (from a writers perspective)

    At the beginning of June, I made a goal to write at least 100 pages for my third feature. Prior to writing, I spent some time in May mapping out my...
  • Flashbacks: Should you use them?

    Sometimes when you're writing a script, there are times when we want to know more about a characters background or see an event that happened prior...
  • Big Pit and Rock Bottom

    The last third part of the second act is going to be the most important part of your script. During this point, your protagonist has been through a...
  • Check out my interview!

    Just going to keep this short! A few weeks ago, I was honored to be interviewed by screenwriter Paul Ziedman. I talk a little bit about my screenwr...
  • The Midpoint or One Hour Turning Point

    About an hour into your film things get real. During the midpoint, or One Hour Turning Point, the protagonist begins to change, but has a false vic...
  • Creating Your Antagonist

    Just a few weeks ago I was in a group of other writers and someone asked, "How do I make a strong antagonist?" The thing to keep in mind is, the an...
  • B Story: The "Love" Story

    Now that you've reached the second act of your script, it's important to have your B Story at least 30 pages in. In some cases, the B story is hint...
  • Is Script Coverage for me?

    Often when writers have completed their script, they often question if they should get coverage on their script or not. As someone who has been in ...
  • From the Inciting Incident to the Point of No Return (end of act 1)

    Previously I've covered the ordinary world (also known as the Set Up) and the theme. Now is the most important part of any script, the Inciting Inc...
  • The Importance of Theme

    Every movie has a lesson, whether it's noticeable or not. Without a theme, there is no purpose to the film. When you're writing your script, you wa...
  • Top 5 Mistakes Screenwriters Make

    When it comes to screenwriting, a lot of us make those easy to make mistakes. As a script consultant, I can tell you I've been there to in my scrip...